When it comes to the control of sound in factories, some employers do not see it as a cost effective manner in which to spend their hard earned cash.
Why do we need to control sound ?
Well, for a start, legislation tells you that you must if in the working environment.
Many factories have unbearably noisy items of plant and working alongside these will eventually lead to hearing complications with the high possibility that the employee will sue the boss for damages. And with the ambulance chasers growing ever bigger by the day, the boss will get sued!
Court Scenario – fictitious but…
Did working alongside that noisy machinery cause you your hearing problems?
Can you repeat that, your honour, I can’t hear you!
Did working alongside that noisy machinery cause you your hearing problems?
I’m sorry your honour, can you speak up, my ears are buggered!
Did working alongside that noisy machinery cause you your hearing problems?
Still can’t hear you, make signs
I give up, you are awarded one million rands damages
Bless you your honour !!
Oh well, we’re not comedians, but then it isn’t funny either.
Claims for damages caused through lack of noise control could send companiesto the bankruptcy court, and even if it doesn’t get that far, workers in an environmentallypleasant atmosphere work more efficiently and create greater profits.
As for thermal insulation, any money spent on noise control, providing it is spent with a professional and reputable company is money well spent.
INTERTHERM manufactures and installs sound hoods and panels for the purpose of noise reduction to legally acceptable levels.
We design and install to the highest standards and guarantee results.
Use our contact form to get rapid service and advice for your acoustic problems or contact us by telephone and speak to one of our qualified staff members.